The School Day

We offer Breakfast club from 7.30am each day. See here for more information

The statutory school hours per week is 32.5 hours (6.5 hours a day)

School start and finish times

Years Start Finish
Foxes and Squirrels 9:00 am 3:00 pm
Bumblebees 9:00 am 3:00 pm
Year 1 and Year 2 8:35 am 3:05 pm
Years 3 – 6 8:35 am 3:10 pm
The School Day

Drop off and pick up


Years School Entrance School Exit To and collect from
Foxes and Squirrels Gate nearest the car park near the outdoor sports enclosure (MUGA). Gate nearest the car park near the outdoor sports enclosure (MUGA) Through gate onto small playground and queue by the Nursery door
Bumblebees Barrington Close Barrington Close Outside classroom near Barrington Gate

Reception Yrs

Years 1 – 4

Barrington Close Barrington Close Classroom door
Year 5 Barrington Close Barrington Close Miss Lafford’s classroom door
Year 6 Barrington Close Barrington Close Covered walkway
As usual, if you have a child in Year 5 and 6 who you wish to walk home alone, slips are available to parents to complete to grant permission for this – please collect a form from the School Office

Cut through

We shall open the gate nearest the school kitchen for parents leaving the school at drop off and pick up times to avoid having to use the external public footpath to get to the school reception or to go home in the direction of the school’s front entrance off Liden Drive. This is not to be used as an exit gate.

PE Days

Children are to continue to wear their PE kit to school when they have PE. This has worked really well and has meant that the children have longer sessions. As part of the new school uniform policy, children need to wear the following:

  • Plain white T-shirt (or shirt with school logo)
  • Plain blue/black shorts, track suit bottoms.
  • School hoodie or a school jumper.
  • Black daps (indoor PE for younger children) or plain trainers
7:30am Breakfast Club opens
8:55 am


To ensure school starts promptly if you arrive after the doors have been shut at 8:55am please bring your child to the office to sign them in.

9:00 am

Morning lessons in reading, English, Maths and phonics (Reception and KS1) and spelling (KS2)

The morning is punctuated by 20 minute break when the children can play outside

12:00 pm Lunch in our school hall. We run a number of sittings with opportunities for playtime either before or after eating.
1:00 pm Afternoon lessons include weekly PE, science and French. We ‘block’ our curriculum so will do a few weeks of subjects such as history, geography, religious education, PSHE, music, computing, art, design and technology
3:00/3:10 pm End of school day. After school clubs start

Signing children in and out during the school day

Parents should come to the office if children are brought late to school or picked up early (e.g. for unavoidable appointments, such as ballet exams or hospital appointments). The office will ensure that the parents sign children either in or out of school using the Inventry system in the school reception area.

Parents in school (entry to school site and signing in)

If you visit school between the hours of 8.55 am and 3.00 pm, please enter via the main gates and come to the school office.

Travel to and from school

We encourage walking to school as a healthy option where possible. If families are driving, we ask that parents and carers to do so with consideration for the local residents and also those families that walk, cycle and scoot to school.


Access to the school on site car parks are for staff only. These are not to be used for dropping off or picking up children. We are able to provide a limited number of onsite spaces under special circumstances. Please apply to the chair of governors.

Parents/Guardians can use the car parks for picking up children from afterschool clubs only.

Road Safety

Please be aware that YOU are responsible for the safety of the children in your care coming on to and off the school site. If your child is allowed to walk, scoot or ride a bike to and / or from school unaccompanied please ensure you have completed a permission slip. We would encourage families to walk the route with their child to familiarise them with crossings and areas where they need to be particularly careful on their journey

Assemblies and Collective Worship

As a school in Britain, we are required by law to have a daily act of worship/thought for the day. We have a collective worship policy which parents can read if they want to find out more

Assemblies are planned over the course of each term and will follow broad themes such as ‘People who help us’, ‘British Values’, Inventors, International Festivals and Celebrations. Over the course of the week our assemblies will include:

Singing Practice

The whole school sings/learns a song together!

Celebration Assembly

Our celebration assembly for the whole school take place on Friday. House Points are added up and the Team of the Week is identified. Children who have been spotted as showing their gems will get a certificate in assembly.

Bringing Things In From Home

Toys – We do not allow toys in school other than for ‘Show and Tell’ in the Infants. If toys are brought in for these purposes they should be kept in your child’s tray and are your child’s responsibility. (Please ensure they are not precious as we cannot guarantee they may not get damaged or lost).

Phones – Parents of children in years 5 and 6, who walk to school on their own, for safeguarding purposes, can apply for their child to bring a phone into school. Phones brought into school must be switched off and kept in the school office during the school day.

  Looking for a New Primary School or Nursery Place?

PRIMARY SCHOOL APPLICATIONS – visit Swindon Borough Council/School places and admissions


to register and apply for Reception starting September 2025

NURSERY SCHOOL    New places for April 2025

Limited places available for 2, 3 & 4 year olds starting April 2025 (Apply by 14th February 2025)

    Application packs are available from the school office

OR from our website – About Our Nursery – click here to be taken to directly there

For Early Years Funding queries please visit  the Childcare Choices website by clicking here

 OR Visit one of SBC’s Early Years and Childcare drop in sessions – find out more information here

Would you like a  tour of our school/nursery?

Please call us on 01793 531025 or email us at [email protected]

to book an appointment OR take a look at our online virtual tour here