What is a School Council?
At Liden Academy, our Smart School Council is a highly valued and important team of children, who represent the voice and opinions of all the children within our school. The Council is made up of elected children from each class, from year 2 – year 6, who try their best to make the school a better place.
Through our School Council, we can support the opinions of our pupils by making appropriate changes to the school. We have launched our own Liden Academy Smart School Council this year to achieve this step, in a simple yet practical way.
![Smart School Councils Community](https://liden.excalibur.org.uk/wp-content/themes/porto/images/lazy.png)
How does the School Council run?
The School Council meet fortnightly to discuss improvements across the school, based on the opinions shared during class meetings. Class meetings occur fortnightly in each classroom, as an opportunity for the pupils to share their opinions on a given question/topic.
The class meetings are pupil-led meetings, which occur in every class and allow every voice to be heard. Each meeting is based around a single question that small groups within each class discuss, debate and agree on a final answer. The votes and ideas from these sessions are then entered into an online tool, which allows the school councillors to check and discuss in the next meeting.
Who are our School Council?
The School Council membership is currently under review.
Each year, a special group of Year 5 and Year 6 children are trained by our Pastoral Lead to become Peer4Support mentors. These children will learn about the ‘5 ways to wellbeing’ and will share these important strategies with younger children in our school, to promote positive mental health. Each mentor will develop their own skills, in areas such as sport, art or conversation, to engage their younger mentees and to act as positive role models. Look out for our Peer4Support mentors on the playground!