Nursery & Pre-School Admissions
Admissions and change requests for nursery/pre-school are implemented 3 times per academic year, at the beginning of each term as follows:
Autumn Term – September to December
Spring Term – January to March
Summer Term – April to July
Please note that these terms do not exactly match the standard school terms, but instead follow the Early Years Funding terms as specified by Swindon Borough Council.
Application to Join Liden Academy
In order to apply for your child to join Liden Academy Nursery or Pre-school, you will be required to collect and complete a Nursery Pack. This can be obtained from the school reception area, or can be downloaded below. This will provide the Nursery Team with all the information required to consider your application, confirming your requirements along with any special needs, and funding arrangements (which will need to checked prior to any place being offered if you are claiming Government funding).
Nursery and Pre-School Pack
Nursery & Pre-School Introduction Letter
Outlining the application process and what happens following form submissions.
Nursery & Pre-School Prospectus
Providing details of our Nursery & Pre-School including staff, children’s learning journey, classrooms, resources and activities, including some in-class photo’s. It also covers Government funding and fees, along with a ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ section.
Nursery & Pre-School Admissions Form
This form should be completed in full identifying name and birth date of your child, date you would like them to start nursery/pre-school and Parent/Carer details in order to conduct funding checks with Swindon Borough Council (SBC).
Nursery & Pre-School Induction Pack
This consists of a number of sections/forms for completion as follows:
All About Me – Information about your child to assist class teachers in providing the best Nursery/Pre-School experience for your child.
Parental Permissions – Various nursery/specific permissions
2 Year Progress Check – Authority to seek external agency support in meeting your child’s needs
Medical and Outside Agency Form – Medical information about your child including doctor and health visitor details
Child Protection Responsibilities – Confirmation of understanding of Liden Academy’s safeguarding procedures
Parental Contract – Defined roles and responsibilities of both Parents/Guardians and Liden Academy
Fees & Funding Policy – Confirmation of understanding of all fees and funding that may be applicable during time at Liden Nursery & Pre-School
This is a generic school data collection form to enable us to create a pupil record for your child on our systems and also provides information required for the Department of Education. It will also enable us to associate children with any siblings already attending Liden Academy. Once a record is created we will be able to provide you access to our on-line booking system for meals, breakfast club, trips and other sundry purchases. We will be able to provide you access to our on-line nursery learning journal (Tapestry) for your child. Consents are also given here for various things, particularly with regards to photo’s being taken. These consents are additional to those permissions required specifically for nursery/preschool children in the Induction Pack above.
Nominated Adult Permission Form
This is a school generic form. Please complete this if there are additional adults required to collect your child from Liden Academy (school or nursery).
Session Changes
If your child already attends nursery and any of the criteria below are applicable, then you will need to complete a Session Change Form and return it to the school office as soon as possible.
- you are now funded for all or part of their nursery fees – where funding will commence at the beginning of a new term
- you wish to change the sessions your child currently attends – changes will be effective only at the beginning of a new term
- you wish to add to the existing sessions your child currently attends – changes will be effective only at the beginning of a new term
- you wish to cancel any sessions your child currently attends**
- you wish to cancel your child’s nursery place at Liden Academy**
** In these instances, a minimum of 4 weeks notice is required from the date of receipt in the school office. If notice is not served, you will continue to be charged if self-funded, or if Government funded, we will continue to claim funding during the notice period. You will be unable to claim funding at another Early Years setting or with a childminder until the notice period has expired – we will write to confirm what date this will be.