School Closure

In the event that we are required to close the school in an emergency (e.g. snow days, heating, water problems etc), we will notify parents via our school website and the local radio station.

Heart Radio (97.2 FM and 102.2 FM)

BBC Wiltshire Radio (103.6 FM and 104.3 FM)

Heart Radio Wiltshire

BBC Radio Wiltshire

If a member of staff is able to attend school safely, we will endeavour to also email or text parents to notify them of the closure so please ensure that the school office is kept up to date with your contact details – [email protected]

We will also send a message via text, post a message on the school website and on our Facebook page.

Please ensure that the school office is kept updated with your contact details – [email protected]


Looking for a New Primary School or Nursery Place?

NURSERY SCHOOL    New places for January 2025

Limited places available for 2, 3 & 4 year olds starting January 2025 (Apply by 23rd October 2024)

    Application packs are available from the school office

OR online at    About Our Nursery – click here to be taken to relevant webpage

For Early Years Funding queries please visit

  OR Visit one of SBC’s Early Years and Childcare drop in sessionsfind out more information here

                                 Scheduled Open Day for Reception & Nursery classes:

                           Thursday 10th October: open 9:30 to 11:30 & 1:15 to 2:30 – just come along

             Saturday 12th October 10am to 12 noon by appointment only (20min slots). Please call to book

If unable to make our scheduled Open Day, please call on 01793 531025 to arrange a weekday visit

PRIMARY SCHOOL APPLICATIONS – visit   School places and admissions | Swindon Borough Council