The Nursery Day
The Nursery school day is divided into two sessions.
Morning: 9:00am -12 noon.
Afternoon 12 noon – 3:00pm
Nursery Breakfast Club is available from 07:30 – 09:00
(Breakfast club bookings are to be booked and paid for in advance – click here for further information)
Choosing time
Children enter the classrooms, complete their self-registration and select an activity. The children will have a signal to stop and listen e.g. a rhyme or asked to show sparkly fingers. They will be asked to tidy up and then sit on the carpet for registration.

Child initiated learning
Following the teacher-led input of the group time session, children may independently select an activity or choose to visit a particular area within the setting e.g. creative area, book corner or outside area.
Tidying up
All children are expected to help tidy up at the end of each session. This gives children opportunities to read labels and practice sorting skills.

Snack time
Each day the children will be able to enjoy a healthy snack with their milk or water. Children are entitled to free milk until they are 5, however you will need to register your child for this – go to to register. A range of fruit and vegetables are provided to encourage healthy eating. We also have a range of different snacks that link in with our curriculum, for example, if we are celebrating Chinese New Year or Harvest. You must let us know if there are any foods that your child should not have or if they have any allergies.
Lunch time
If your child is staying for the morning and afternoon sessions they may bring a packed lunch or a hot lunch can be ordered from school on the MyChildAtSchool (MCAS) system – for further information on MCAS please click here.
Our classrooms
Duckling class and Duck class (2 and 3 year olds)
At Liden Academy Nursery, we ensure your child’s introduction to the 2-3 year olds classroom, Ducklings, is a smooth process. They will be allocated a supportive key person giving your child the reassurance to feel safe and cared for as they progress through the nursery. In Ducklings Class, we lay the foundation stones to learning; there are opportunities for inter-mixing free play along with planned activities. Each child is encouraged to explore and question at their own individual level. We also promote social skills, learning how to share and other valuable life skills as preparation for the next stage of education.
Bumblebee Class
This room is our pre-school class, where your child’s learning will be extended through the great emphasis on the environment, indoors and out. Our knowledgeable staff team can support your child to enjoy and achieve, with planned experiences that follow your child’s interests

We encourage the children to wear school uniform as this makes the children feel part of the school and saves wear and tear on special clothing. Please make sure that all items of clothing are clearly marked with your child’s name. Sensible footwear is important to your child when starting school. Shoes need to be well fitting, preferably with Velcro fasting. This enables your child to put on and remove footwear independently for PE. It is school policy that children do not wear open-toe footwear. You’ll find all the information about our school uniform including where to buy it here.
PE Kit
Children in Bumblebee class will take part in weekly PE sessions. They will require suitable clothes for PE such as joggers, a t-shirt and trainers/daps. Please ensure all items of clothing are clearly marked with your child’s name.
If your child is ill, please call the school office on 01793 531025 by 9.30 am on the morning of their first absence to let us know, and each subsequent day. If we do not receive notification about your child’s absence we will call you during the first session to enquire as to why your child is not in school. This is in line with recommended safeguarding procedures.
Click on the tab below for the latest guidance from Public Health England.